

The Library Request Exchange is a grassroots effort for indie writers like you and me who want our books in libraries. It will also benefit readers, who would want to read our books if they knew about them. 

Here's how it works:
  1. By submitting a COMMENT below, we exchange book info: Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN, genre/subject.
  2. Then you put in a request (called a patron recommendation) at your local library for my book, and I put in a request at mine for your book.
Simple, right?

Here's the information you'll need to submit the patron recommendation (NOTE: You may have two enter two requests--one for print and one for ebook, which have different ISBNs.)

  • Author:
  • Title:
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN (print):
  • ISBN (ebook):
  • genre/subject: 
  •  Author's email address: (to advise if your library makes the purchase)
Submit your information in the comments below and make a "patron recommendation" for your local library to purchase the other books listed in the comments

For example, to make a patron recommendation at the St. Louis County Library, I select "Suggest A Purchase" under the "Library Links" on the Home Page:

Once your library advises you they've accepted the purchase request, please advise the author so he/she can publicize its availability. Active interest will encourage the library to make future purchases of that author's work. 

And finally, check out the book and enjoy! We're readers, too, after all.  

Thanks for helping spread the word about the Library Request Exchange! 



  1. Author: T.W. Fendley
    Title: ZERO TIME
    Publisher: L&L Dreamspell
    ISBN (print): 978-1-60318-333-8
    ISBN (ebook): 978-1-60318-334-5
    genre/subject: historical fantasy

    1. My email address is:

    2. PLEASE contact me before requesting your library to obtain my book. I am in the process of reissuing ZERO TIME after my publisher closed in July 2013.

    3. PLEASE contact me before requesting your library to obtain my book. I am in the process of reissuing ZERO TIME after my publisher closed in July 2013.

  2. Author: D. L. Burnett
    TItle: In The Kingdom Of Dragons: Rose And Thorne Book 1
    Publisher: Effertrux Publishing
    ISBN (Print): 978-0-9858427-0-3
    ISBN (Kindle): 978-0-9858427-2-7
    ISBN (Epub): 978-0-9858427-1-0
    genre/Subject: Epic Fantasy

  3. Author: Jacqueline Seewald
    Title: Death Legacy
    Publisher:Five Star/Gale
    ISBN (print):978-14328-2573-7
    ISBN (ebook):
    genre/subject: romantic mystery/romantic suspense

    Author: Jacqueline Seewald
    Title: Tea Leaves and Tarot Cards
    Publisher: L&L Dreamspell
    ISBN (print):
    ISBN (ebook): 978-1-60318-520-2
    genre/subject: Regency historical romance

  4. Author: Katherine Lampe
    Title: The Unquiet Grave
    Publisher: Katherine Lampe
    ISBN (Print): 978-1-300-68422-0
    ISBN (e book, all formats): 978-1-476-16302-4
    genre: supernatural fantasy

    Author: Katherine Lampe
    Title: She Moved Through the Fair
    Publisher: Katherine Lampe
    ISBN (print): 978-1-300-68454-1
    ISBN (e book, all formats): 978-1-476-02455-4
    genre: supernatural fantasy

  5. Author: Ripley Patton
    Title: Ghost Hand
    Publisher: Ripley Patton
    ISBN (print) 978-0988491007
    ISBN (e-book) 978-0988491014
    genre: young adult paranromal

  6. Theresa, Thanks for setting this up.

    Author: Ripley Patton
    Title: Ghost Hand
    Publisher: Ripley Patton
    ISBN (Print) 978-0988491007
    ISBN (ebook) 978-0988491014
    genre: Young Adult Paranormal Thriller
