
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Workshop Aug. 1: How to write about encounters with the extraordinary

If you’ve been itching to write about a fictional character who has an encounter with something beyond the ordinary such as angels, extraterrestrials, UFOs, or ghosts, or if you’ve had an otherworldly experience you’d like to share, now is a great time to do so, said author Karen Cavalli.

At an online workshop from 10 a.m. to noon, Aug. 1, she will offer some history on writing about these encounters and key decision points during the writing process. For the Zoom address, go to the St. Louis Writers Guild’s Virtual Events page (, or click here:

Meeting ID: 702 890 3800
Password: SLWG2020
Call in: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

“The taboo against speaking openly about one-on-one encounters with beings and phenomena outside daily reality is loosening its hold, along with the attendant fear of ridicule,” she said. “It is possible to write about these kinds of encounters, whether they are yours or a fictional character’s, in such a way that transports both you and your readers.”

Karen will offer specific writing exercises, a bibliography, and a matrix of the most common encounter types and responses that apply to both fiction and nonfiction. Her talk will cover:
key differences between portrayals of encounters with the extraordinary vs. the paranormal in contemporary books, video and film
personal risks when writing about encounters with the extraordinary
that moment in history when the course was set
how consciousness research and quantum mechanics fit into writing about this topic
decision points during the writing and publishing process
key elements to include in your writing for success
gifts that await

Karen Cavalli has been exploring and publishing about encounters with anomalous beings and events since 2014. Her most recent book is Undercover Goddess, book one in the trilogy No Boundaries, a paranormal romance for adults. Her work has won awards including Outstanding Secondary Science Book. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alabama where she studied with Margaret Atwood. Karen can be contacted at and at Contact Karen Cavalli

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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