
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Workshop July 11: “Research for Writers” (or “How to End up On A Watchlist in 20 Minutes or Less”)

Don’t miss James Young’s free online workshop on "Research for Writers” (or “How to End Up on A Watchlist in 20 Minutes or Less”), from 10 a.m. to noon, July 11.

Click here to join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 702 890 3800
Password: SLWG2020
To call in: +1-312-626-6799

“I will use examples from my own and others' research to help all authors find quick and efficient ways to answer questions about areas outside of their expertise,” Dr. Young said. He will discuss common tools available for authors to conduct topical or historical research.

Dr. James Young is a Missouri native who escaped small town life by attending the United States Military Academy. After leaving the Army, Dr. Young returned to the Midwest to pursue his doctorate—a process that took twice the time planned but is finally concluded.

Having now concluded two of the prerequisites to be a super villain, Dr. Young spends his time waiting for the inevitable origin story, winning writing awards (2016 United States Naval Institute Cyber Essay Contest Winner, among others), and penning novels. His next alternate history book, Against the Tide Imperial, will be out this summer on Amazon (e-book) and other outlets (hard copy). Against the Tide Imperial is the third in his Usurper's War series.  You can also find Dr. Young's blog at or follow him on Twitter (@youngblai) or on Facebook (Colfax Den).

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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