
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Guild hosts March 7 “Writers in the Lodge” mini-conference

Sign up now for pitch sessions with agents and consultations with editors at the St. Louis Writers Guild’s (SLWG)“Writers in the Lodge” mini-conference from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., March 7, at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd, St. Louis, MO 63131. The event is sponsored by the St. Louis Publisher's Association (SLPA).

Additionally, young writers from the fourth through eighth grades are invited to attend a free “Show Don’t Tell” workshop in the Maple Room from 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. “Lead your readers on a journey, don’t take them on a tour,” said C.L. Postill, who will share techniques on how to engage readers. Space is limited; please pre-register at

In the Dogwood Room, three presentations for teens and adults are free to SLWG and SLPA members; $5 for nonmembers:
9:30 a.m. – literary agent Kortney Price on "Working With an Agent,"
10:30 a.m. – speculative fiction author and graphic novelist Guy Anthony De Marco on “Writing In Someone Else's Sandbox,” and
11:30 a.m. – editor and project manager Andrew Doty on "Book Editing for Self-Publishing Authors."

Find out about more about the speakers and presentations, and sign up for your one-on-one sessions with editors or agents on the “Writers in the Lodge” page under the SLWG tab at

Consultations with editors are $40. Submit your query by March 3 to allow editors time to review it. Pitch sessions with agents are $20. Advance reservation is required for the twenty-minute editorial consultations and five-minute pitch sessions, which will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Working With an Agent -- This session, taught by literary agent Kortney Price, explains how to best work with a literary agent once you have found representation. How do you deal with long wait times when your work is on submission? How to communicate effectively with an agent when you’re not on the same page? What happens when you want to write in a different genre, but the agent doesn’t rep that category? These questions, and more, will be addressed

Writing In Someone Else's Sandbox -- This general talk by speculative fiction author and graphic novelist Guy Anthony De Marco focuses on how to get started with writing for properties that are owned by other entities (such as Star Wars/Star Trek/Games).

Book Editing for Self-Publishing Authors -- How do you find the right person to edit your book? What will a good edit look like? How do you meet an editor? How do you work with an editor? How many editors do you need? These can be some of the most frustrating and confusing questions for a self-publishing author to answer. Learn how to do it right in this workshop with experienced editor and project manager Andrew Doty, who will explain the many nuances of researching, vetting, hiring, and working with editors.

Lauren Miller is a Junior Agent with Metamorphosis Literary Agency. She is a University College graduate at Washington University in St. Louis with a B.S. in Anthropology. After interning with Metamorphosis, she joined their team in 2019. Previously, she served as the Director of Communications for the St. Louis Writers Guild, and is an ongoing reviewer for the Historical Novel Society. She is seeking:
YA and MG-centric fiction
Picture books
Adult low fantasy
Adult clean romances (especially historical and inspirational)
Lighthearted women's fiction

Bob Shuman created Marit Literary Agency after many years as an editor in mainstream publishing. Marit Literary Agency as a total spectrum editorial company: it affords fiction and nonfiction authors management and product placement. It also offers publishers editing, ghostwriting, copywriting, copy editing, and proofreading services. Bob’s agented works include six drama titles for Applause Books. In 2009, Bob edited Mass Casualties (Adams Media) by Michael Anthony, which received a starred rave from Publishers Weekly. In 2016, he edited Anthony’s second memoir, Civilianized (Zest Books), which Booklist said “has the introspection of a literary memoir and the narrative momentum of a novel.” He specializes in narrative nonfiction, concentrating on politics, military, history, some sports, entertainment, and science, but will consider some fiction (mystery, thrillers, science fiction, or military). Bob does not represent plays or children's books.

Andrew Doty is an experienced editor and project manager who currently serves as the lead project coordinator at Editwright, a publishing services agency whose team serves authors and nonprofits; the Vice President of the St. Louis Publishers Association; and the founder of the budding nonprofit Write for a Change. Andrew is a published poet and a practicing musician.

Kortney Price is an agent with Raven Quill Literary Agency. She graduated with a B.A. in English from Greenville University in 2014. Since then Kortney has interned with Andrea Hurst & Associates, Amphorae Publishing Group, and Inklings Literary Agency. She was an associate agent for two years before finding her home with Raven Quill Literary Agency. Kortney specializes in books for children from picture books through young adult. Her belief in these stories' ability to change lives and the world drives her to always look for a way to introduce young readers to new people, cultures, and adventures much like her favorite childhood stories did for her. Whether a story changes the reader's world view, tells them they aren't alone or just offers an escape, every book in this field has the potential to make a difference in a child's life and Kortney is honored to play a part in getting those stories into the hands of readers. To connect and learn more about Kortney, check out her TwitterPinterest, or MSWL page

Meghan Pinson is ringleader of My Two Cents Editing, a small band of specialists who provide expert editing, engaging critique, and fearless consulting to authors of novels and nonfiction manuscripts. She specializes in story development and author education and is the author of My Two Cents Editing's Indie-Publishing Workbook: A Guide to the Industry's Best Practices. Her current favorite genres: historical fiction, crime/mystery/suspense, middle grade adventure stories, and prescriptive nonfiction. Connect with her at

Catherine Bakewell is a YA and MG Fantasy author with a passion for opera and languages. She’s lived in Spain and in France, where she romped through gardens, ate pastries, and worked on her novels. She is represented by Devin Ross of New Leaf Literary & Media.

Guy Anthony De Marco is a speculative fiction author; a Graphic Novel Bram Stoker® and Scribe Award finalist; winner of the HWA Silver Hammer Award; a prolific short story and flash fiction crafter; a novelist; a poet; an invisible man with superhero powers; a game writer; and a coffee addict. One of these is false. A writer since 1977, Guy is or was a member of the following organizations: SFWA, IAMTW, ITW, RWA-PRO, WWA, SFPA, ASCAP, MWG, SWG, HWA, IBPA. He hopes to collect the rest of the letters of the alphabet one day. Additional information can be found at Wikipedia.

C.L. Postill currently makes her home in a small town nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, just far enough away from the big city to satisfy her love of the outdoors. Three sons, a rescue cat and dog, and her husband serve as her daily support system and cheerleaders for her writing. Her debut novel, CORY SUMMERS-Lost on the Planet Terrapin, was born out of a story she has been creating and telling her boys and their friends before bedtime, around campfires, and at sleep-over parties for over 25 years. Cherie is on the board of the St. Louis Writers Guild and a member of the St. Louis Publishers Association. or visit @postillc on Twitter