
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Enter short story contest by Dec. 1!
Since its founding in 1920, St. Louis Writers Guild has sponsored an annual short story contest. The contest is one of the oldest in the country, and is certainly one of the most prestigious. Tennessee Williams won first place in 1935 for his story, "Stella for Star."
Annual Short Story Contest opens for submissions every October, the deadline is in December, and prizes are awarded in January. Historically, entries have come from all across the nation and Canada. Stories are blind-judged by an expert in the fields of writing and literature.
Deadline Dec. 1
Entries can be submitted via email or mail.
  • Email: SLWGSubmissions (@) gmail (dot) com
  • Mail:
St. Louis Writers Guild
Attn: Short Story Contest
P.O. Box 411757
St. Louis, MO 63141
Prizes for 2019!
First Prize $50
Second Prize $30
Third Prize $20

Honorable Mention $10  

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