
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Guild workshop Sept. 8 delves into differences between fiction genres

Jo Hiestand
Camille Faye
Mia Silverton
If you’re puzzled by the differences between fiction genres, don’t miss the St. Louis Writers Guild’s workshop featuring authors Jo Hiestand (mystery), Camille Faye (speculative) and Mia Silverton (romance) from 10 a.m. to noon, Sept. 8, at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO  63131. Free to Guild members; $5 for nonmembers.
The panelists will delve into the genres and subgenres, including word counts and reader expectations.
JO HIESTAND is the founding president of the Greater St Louis chapter of Sisters in Crime. She graduated with a BA degree in English and departmental honors from Webster University. She writes three mystery series -- two British and one local. She’s been a secretary and a graphic designer. Her hobbies include photography, music and researching the Scottish branch of her family.
CAMILLE FAYE lives in Missouri, loves on her family, and writes while her kiddos are in school. Her writing is inspired by her experiences growing up in a haunted house and her travels to 28 countries and counting! “Like” her Camille Faye Author page on Facebook where you can give your feedback for upcoming books. And visit to sign up for her newsletter, download book discussion questions, and get the latest on Camille’s writing.
MIA SILVERTON is a St. Louis-born, contemporary women's fiction and romance author. As a writer, she feels called to help change lives in a different way -- by crafting dynamic stories. She promises to bring worlds full of strong characters, witty fun dialogue filled with heroes and heat. She strongly believes that we can all find happiness, sanctuary and even healing in a beautifully written book. Many times in the past, a well crafted phrase, word or story created a shift in her when the time was needed and she feels called to pay that forward. Mia loves to interact with her readers and you can connect with her on FBInstagramTwitter or visit at Make sure to stay up to date with the latest and greatest news by joining Mia's Silver Pen Tribe on her website.
Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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