“In this two-hour workshop, you'll draft a plan to get your novel
from first draft to finished manuscript. We'll break down the stages of
revision and editing and look at how fear, avoidance, and pride are your worst
enemies,” Meghan said. “I'll teach you how to know when to get help, where to
find it, and what to expect from it. You'll leave with an editing schedule that
starts with you and expands to include critique groups, professionals, and beta
Meghan Pinson provides expert editing, engaging critique, and
fearless consulting to authors of novels and nonfiction manuscripts. She
launched My Two Cents Editing in 2009 as a full-time freelance copyeditor and
has steadily expanded to help her clients move from first draft to faithful
readerships. Now her small crew of literary specialists provides comprehensive
manuscript critique and a full range of editing services: editorial assessment,
developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and
post-editing cleanup. She leads writing and editing workshops and
collaborates with her partner at Outrider Literary to guide authors through
publication along indie, traditional, and hybrid paths.
Meghan is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, the
Greater Los Angeles Writers Society, the Missouri Writers Guild, the St. Louis
Publishers Association, and Reedsy (where you can see her portfolio).
Check out www.mytwocentsediting.com and
write to meghan@mytwocentsediting.com for
more information.