
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Justin Wells tells writers how to land an agent at Jan. 6 workshop

Agent Justin Wells will join the group via Zoom technology. Alternately, Guild members can view the workshop from their own computers. Check the Member’s Room ( for details.

As an added bonus, Justin is offering a giveaway for those in attendance. Two winners will receive a 30-minute consultation at a later date to discuss their book and ask more personalized questions relating to their goals as a writer and about the writing industry.

Finding that one agent who is the right fit, and then trying to get them to take you on, can be tough. At the St. Louis Writers Guild’s Jan. 6 workshop, literary agent Justin Wells will discuss a lot of things that you need to know in order to land your dream agent, and maintain a healthy relationship with that agent once you do. 

The Landing an Agent (query letters, relationships, and more!)” workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in the Dogwood Room at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd, St. Louis, MO 63131. Free to Guild members, $5 for nonmembers.

Justin is a Literary Agent with the Corvisiero Literary Agency. He will be graduating with a B.S. in Mass Communications with a focus in Public Relations. Justin loves being able to utilize his skills in public relations to assist the agency and his own clients through his work as a literary agent. His main focus is young adult, middle grade, and new adult, though he has been known to branch out and explore other books that catch his eye.

To learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild, go

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Guild honors young writers at Dec. 2 holiday gathering

Join a celebration honoring award-winning young writers at the St. Louis Writers Guild’s annual holiday gathering from 10 a.m. to noon, Dec. 2, at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63131.

Find out how these fourth- through eighth-graders created stories that all began with the same sentence: “The book had no words….” Judging was based on originality, cohesiveness, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

It’s free to attend. All are encouraged to bring a dessert dish for sharing (the Lodge restricts catering to desserts only).

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

Monday, October 9, 2017

Madison leads Nov. 4 workshop on “Crafting a Successful Synopsis”

You dread them. I dread them: the synopsis.

To most writers, completing a synopsis is more painful than writing the manuscript itself. But, never fear, with a few simple rules in hand, anyone can write a successful synopsis, said author Shawntelle Madison.

Her “Crafting a Successful Synopsis” workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, Nov. 4, at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO  63131. It is free to St. Louis Writers Guild members; $5 for nonmembers.

“In this workshop, we will also examine successful synopses and breakdown their parts based on the aforementioned rules and tips,” she said. “I look forward to meeting you and helping you craft your next synopsis.”

Shawntelle Madison is a web developer who loves to weave words as well as code. She’d never admit it, but if asked she’d say she covets and collects source code. After losing her first summer job detasseling corn, Shawntelle performed various jobs—from fast-food clerk to grunt programmer to university webmaster. Writing eccentric characters is her most favorite job of them all. On any particular day when she’s not surgically attached to her computer, she can be found watching cheesy horror movies or the latest action-packed anime. She lives in Missouri with her husband and children.

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Schulte: Taking Your Self-publishing Career to the Next Level

Discuss with best-selling author Liz Schulte how to turn writing into a career from 10 a.m. to noon, Oct. 7,  at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd, St. Louis, MO 63131. The workshop is free to St. Louis Writers Guild members; $5 for nonmembers.

Hear how she navigated her way to self-publishing success and what she has learned along the way…and bring questions for the Q&A. 

Liz Schulte is a self-published author in mystery and paranormal romance with over twenty novels, multiple short stories, and audiobooks. She is a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and the local chapter in Missouri, the Missouri Writer’s Guild, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers of America. 

Though success in publishing didn’t happen overnight, like she envisioned it would, the journey has been worth the trials along the way. Liz became a self-supported, full-time author in 2013 and wouldn’t trade her hard-begotten knowledge or the wonderful friends she has made along the way for anything. 

Liz has a degree in psychology from the University of Missouri and a minor in philosophy. She has taken numerous forensic courses and writing classes, as well as attended several symposiums on writing. She speaks on subjects ranging from self-publishing to marketing and social media. 

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Strong Women Write Workshops

#StrongWomenWrite, a series of events not to be missed!

The #StrongWomenWrite Workshops are a unique opportunity specifically for women in the St. Louis area, or those who want to travel.

David Lucas and Brad R. Cook will be holding their Writing the Sword Fight demonstration and workshop at #StrongWomenWrite.

Space is limited to twenty slots and this workshop series is only available to women.

#StrongWomenWrite Workshops
Writing the Sword Fight
Saturday, September 16, 2017
9am to 11am
Maryland Heights Community Center
2300 McKelvey Rd.

Register at

Three in-depth workshops, 
on three separate weekends!
September 16, October 7, and November 4

Sign up for one, or attend all three!
$30 for each workshop, or $85 for all three
(Hurry time is running out for the series discount!)
$25 for St. Louis Writers Guild and 
St. Louis Publisher Association Members.


Note: the next #StrongWomenWrite Workshop will feature New York Times Bestselling author Angie Fox talking about How to Earn Six Figures as an Indie Author.

More information and Register at 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Guild workshop Sept. 9 helps writers tap into their intuitive creativity

Deborah Terra Weltman will help writers tap into their intuitive creativity at a workshop from 10 a.m. to noon, Sept. 9, at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO., 63131. Free to St. Louis Writers Guild members; $5 for nonmembers.

Her workshop will include practices and playtime to help align participants with their own personal brand of creativity, addressing questions such as:
·      What is a creative channel?
·      How can we access our innate creative flow? 
·      What is the connection between pleasure and creativity?
·      What kind of mental shift allows for increased creativity?

Deborah finds joy in creative work of any kind, especially work that inspires personal and spiritual growth. She adores creative problem-solving, magical places, “treasure hunts,” and imagining from new perspectives. Deborah teaches classes in “The Artist’s Way,” “Treasure Journaling,” and “Realizing Big Dreams” at the local community college and other venues.

Her debut book -- Camino Lessons: Losing 21st Century Fears on an Ancient Pilgrimage Trail (the story of realizing her own Big Dream by walking the 500-mile Camino de Santiago trail across Spain) -- is due out soon from PenUltimate Press. She is also the author and illustrator of two 75-card decks: “A Seeker’s Guide to Internal Paradigm Shift, What if…? Cards" (questions to guide and bless your day) and "A Seeker's Guide to Money and Abundance, What if…? Cards” (questions focusing on peace and plenty).

View a sample of her “What if…? Cards” online at: or contact Deborah at:

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at