
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Guild’s April 1 workshop focuses on how writers become authors

On April 1, author and editor McKenzie Johnston Winberry will lead a workshop entitled, "Step 1: Write, Step 2: ????, Step 3: PROFIT," from 10 a.m. to noon at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd, St. Louis, MO 63131. Free for St. Louis Writers Guild members; $5 for nonmembers.

“This workshop will be about that fuzzy in-between stage of having written something and actually being published,” she said. “I will talk about different ways of finding a publisher, how to submit your stuff, and why you should not be upset about a rejection (especially a form rejection).”

McKenzie will provide resources that collect publisher information, and information about conventions and other networking opportunities.

“These are significantly more important to becoming a successful writer than most people anticipate,” she said, noting that being a good writer isn’t always enough. “For example, JK Rowling was rejected repeatedly until she found someone who had faith in HER..and now she is one of the most successful writers in the world.”

McKenzie works for Apex Publications and is a published author of short fiction. She is currently working on a collaborative collection of short stories and a novel. When she is not writing, you can find her teaching video games and Spanish at Maverick Learning Center. Check out her website at

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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