
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Solar Lullaby: Free until Jan. 24

Below, see how one Amazon reviewer described my short story, SOLAR LULLABY, which is now a stand-alone Kindle ebook. You can get a FREE  e-copy today through Tuesday on Amazon!

~~Red Alert~~

Kindle short story
Dr. Flare Haich works in an underground lab dubbed the Triple S for its unique design. It has been years since the Mayan Event destroyed a half billion people. She works on a project called the Empress which deals with electro magnetic pulse radiation. It is also worth mentioning that her parents were both dedicated researchers in this area, as well. In her father’s journal, he describes with great detail his findings concerning a sentient being….
“Red Alert” notifies the ones in the lab that a huge EMP is on its way! Sometimes it is extremely difficult to convince the higher-ups that an event will occur. Bureaucracy at its finest!
Love the ending of this one. Absolutely incredible. I also love a story that conveys so much meaning with few words.

Most highly recommended.--A Navy Vet, VT

SOLAR LULLABY is also available in print and audio via Amazon.

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