
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Rienspel a new novel by Ryan P. Freeman

Rienspel a new novel by Ryan P. Freeman
Brad R. Cook

To end off the year here on The Writers’ Lens, I wanted to showcase one more great writer and novel. Ryan P. Freeman has created a hi-fantasy epic with his latest novel Rienspel.

The Phoenix of Redd Volume I
by Ryan P. Freeman
What Rien discovers about his past will change his future…
Rien Sucat wiles his days away, bored-stiff in his small backwoods village. But soon gets more than he bargained for after he befriends a magical Phoenix, accidentally witnesses a secret necromantic ritual, and comes face to face with a league of racist, knife-wielding assassins out for his blood. Travel with Rien as he and the Phoenix journey from the unassuming Rillian village of Nyrgen through the enchanting depths of the Great Wood where the unquiet dead lurk, to the high north country of Firehall - elusive sanctuary of the Elves. Launch into an epic quest with consequences farther reaching than Rien could ever possibly imagine.

Rienspel is about heart. It is about family and about how the power of love played out in everyday life often carries lasting consequences. Rien’s tale transcends the dim shadows of our own world by revealing the lingering power we all carry through how we live and treat others. It is a tale about the Story we all reside in which readers both young and young-at-heart will find compelling. As C.S. Lewis once penned for his colleague and friend J.R.R. Tolkien, so it is with Rienspel, ‘here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron. Here is a story which will break your heart”… and re-forge it anew in Phoenix-fire.

Learn more about Rienspel at 

I sat down with Ryan for a moment and asked him about Rienspel and his writing process.

What brings your writing into focus, the characters, the stories, or the love of crafting words?
Probably the Story.
Why do you say that?
The stories which need to be written are the ones which stick with you, knocking on your doors and tapping at your windows until you finally give in and sit down to write them. Then, after you've pounded your head against the desk and resisted checking social media for the 10th time, the characters poke their heads out, like shy actors on a stage - your own deliberate words come sometime after.
The story is important.

What are your top three reasons for writing?
First, I am writing for myself - for the sheer enjoyment. I wind up getting these story ideas, and I catch myself wondering, ok - what happens next? And so I have to keep writing to find out.
Yes, you have to love what you write.
Second, I'm writing for others. One of thing things I learned from my time in radio was to get a picture of a listener from an event, and then stand it up whenever I would go on-air back at the studio. When I'm writing, I'm talking to this person/people - they're my audience.
Thinking of audience is important, and finally…
Third, I'm writing to explore real, legitimate questions about life, the universe and everything - and while everything I write apparently comes out looking an awful lot like fantasy, I'm deadly-serious about my pursuit for understanding.

What's your favorite way to interact with fans/readers?
Nice! I like it.
I'm looking for others to share common passions, loves, and questions. Usually, this means either face-to-face or through animated Facebook messaging.

How much fact is in your fiction?
I often wonder just how much this distinction is illusory. One of my passions is for pan-mythology - the notion about how many popular myths appear to all be telling similar stories; so in the world of my stories, one of the things I'm trying to do is actively explore how all these parallel myths could weave together into one cohesive tale. In short, just how much fact is in my fiction? All of it (none of it).
An interesting idea.

One last question, which line did you struggle with more, the first or the last?
Honestly, I think I struggled with the first one more. I'm a firm believer in the Law of physics which says 'Objects in motion like to stay in motion'. When I first began Rienspel, neither my story, nor myself were in motion at all! I think I ended up going through three or four different drafts before I finally settled on where in the story I wanted to begin, and how to go about it.

Thank you, Ryan, for answering my questions.

Ryan P. Freeman
Ryan P. Freeman is a fellow adventurer. After miraculously surviving childhood cancer and several near-death experiences, he launched into the world of AM talk radio, hosting his own live program out of Albuquerque. Ryan is a former International Red Cross guest speaker, Pastor, and medieval-enthusiast; loves sampling craft-beers, is an unapologetically proud kilt-wearer, and proud member of the St Louis Writers Guild. Ryan also contributes to The Scribe Literary magazine. In his down time, his interests range from exploring real-world pan-mythology, survivalist camping, and copious video gaming.

To learn more about Ryan Patrick Freeman, his novel Rienspel, or his other works please visit

Brad R. Cook, author of the YA steampunk series, The Iron Chronicles. Iron Horsemen -, Iron Zulu -, and Iron Lotus  A member of SCBWI, he currently serves as Historian of St. Louis Writers Guild after three and half years as its President. Learn more at, on Twitter @bradrcook, or on his blog Thoughts from Midnight on tumblr

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