The LETA conference—to be held
Sept. 10-13 at Lindenwood University in St. Charles and Ultimate Defense
Range in St. Peters--will feature a combination of hands-on, classroom
and interactive educational classes to provide writers with an increased
knowledge of law enforcement vocabulary, equipment, tactics, weapons, and
training. This course features instructors and experts from across public
safety and law enforcement, including police, SWAT, FBI, Secret Service, NCIS
and other agencies. http://letaconference.com/
Chris is an award-winning author of The Light Bringer, a St. Louis-area best
seller and one of the winners of the Missouri Writers’ Guild 2012 Show Me Best
Book Award. He and co-author Mike Force based the novel on their real-life
experiences. HCI released the second book in the series, The Light Bringer, The Fallen, in 2013, and the third in the
trilogy, The Risen, in May 2015.
Undergo Entertainment is scripting a screenplay
for the pilot episode of a television series based on The Light Bringer. Chris and Mike are working with Hollywood
director and writer Darin Beckstead on the project – www.undergoent.com.
Bastean will host the LETA conference and serve as lead instructor at the
training center. He became a police
officer after graduating the Academy in June 1998. He currently holds the
positions of Sergeant over the Special Operations Division, Firearms Instructor
and Armorer for the Lake St. Louis Police Department.
In September 2000, Sgt. Bastean started what
became the Midwest’s premier training facility, Ultimate Defense Firing Range
& Training Center. It is a Nation Shooting Sports Foundation Five-star
Facility, and was a finalist for the 2013 NSSF Range of the Year.
Learn more about the St.
Louis Writers Guild at www.stlwritersguild.org.
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