
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Write Pack Radio - Writers Talking about Writing

Write Pack Radio – Writers Talking about Writing

I’ve shared Write Pack Radio posts before on The Writers Lens, but it’s been awhile and I wanted to share some of the great episodes that we’ve been running and celebrate the extraordinary efforts of David Lucas and the rest of the pack.

David Lucas stared Write Pack Radio about a year and half ago, since then it has exploded and now has reached over 10,000 downloads! For those that don’t know what it is, Write Pack Radio is a weekly podcast about all things writing. A panel of writers of all levels, from self-professed amateurs to published authors, meets once a week to discuss a topic and offer insights into the literary world. Led by David, with the musings of Co-host Kathleen Kayembe a group of writers discuss everything from plot and character, to what is preferred, blasters or phasers.

I’ve had the honor of guest hosting several episodes and regularly serve as one of the panel experts. What I’ve found is a mix of a humor and informed discussions. With a panel of six to ten, or more writers, every discussion is filled with a variety of opinions and an informed discussion. Some episodes are serious and others are more light-hearted, but all of them reach in-depth into matters at the heart of the writing world.

Write Pack Radio airs Sunday at 3pm.
Find episodes online at and i-Tunes.

Here are few of the recent episodes.

Weapons of the Future

What is a Story Bible and What Good is it?

Preparing for the Siege of a Long Novel

Dystopia: What is it Really?

Brad R. Cook, author of the YA Steampunk Series The Iron Chronicles. He is a contributor to The Writers Lens and Write Pack Radio. He currently serves as Historian of St. Louis Writers Guild after three and half years as its President. Learn more about his books and endeavors at or on Twitter @bradrcook Follow my blog Thoughts from Midnight on tumblr

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information, I'll try to listen to it, hope it'll be usefull, as before it i used custom essay writing reviews and i have gotten a lot of good tips.
