
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Denise Liebig: DEAR MAUDE trilogy inspired by "all things vintage"

Welcome to Denise Liebig, who likes to write about the past and wouldn’t mind visiting there, either. She grew-up listening to family tales of the “old days,” which she decided was a magical place only older people could go.  So, she set out to test that theory by traveling the world and accumulating a few stories of her own.   Unfortunately, the stories weren’t old and neither was she, so she decided her only alternative was to make a few up - The Dear Maude Trilogy emerged. When she’s not imagining stories about the past and writing them down, Denise lives near Las Vegas with her husband and three kids. Here, she is able to successfully avoid wearing shoes or carrying a wet, dripping umbrella - things she doesn’t miss about growing up in Oregon. 

What brings your writing into focus-- the characters, the stories, the love of words? For me, a combination of all three bring my writing into focus.  I enjoy putting what floats around in my imagination into words.  The story and characters are generally those floating objects that evolve as I go along. Also, when things aren’t totally clear, I paint.  This seems to jump-start the creative process, which also clarifies and sparks things in my imagination. 

What inspired your latest book? The inspiration for The Dear Maude Trilogy came from my interest in all things vintage, including a silent movie festival on television. I wanted to know what it was like to live during the time of silent movies - when things we now take for granted didn’t exist.  So, I researched the era and created the character, Emily Stanton, a sociology major who also studied that time frame. I don’t want to give too much away, so I will just say, “The story went from there.” 

What movie star would be perfect for (your main character) and why? Emma Stone would be perfect for Emily Stanton. The actress would have to bring a quirky, relatability to the character that Ms. Stone brings to all her roles. Also, the actor who would be perfect for Emily’s love interest, Dell, would have to be Anson Mount. He plays a great part on “Hell on Wheels” as a tough, yet sensitive and very masculine lead. He would be perfect both physically and as an actor. 

What's the highest compliment someone could make about your writing? 
The highest compliment would be if someone liked my writing and wanted more. I’ve written a trilogy, so hearing that would really make me glad I didn’t stop with the first book. I enjoy Emily’s world and appreciate it when others do, as well.

Is there a different genre or type of book you’d love to try to write? Yes, I would love to write children’s books.  I enjoy drawing and painting and think it would be nice to incorporate my art into a book for children. 

DEAR MAUDE -- Emily Stanton is about to discover the real cost of her free education.  When a mysterious company offered her a college scholarship, Emily eagerly accepted.  Now a graduate, she must face the requirement to serve the company without first knowing her position or repay every dime.  Emily ventures into an unknown future accompanied only by the journal she addresses to her deceased aunt, Maude, and the will to survive a four-year commitment she hopes will return her to the world she once knew.


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