
Friday, February 20, 2015

Molly Gambiza: A WOMAN'S WEAKNESS encourages women to find their voice

Welcome to Molly Gambiza. As a young girl in Uganda, Molly knew she wanted to see the world, so when an opportunity arose to work as a nanny in England, she jumped at the chance. She arrived in the United Kingdom speaking only a little English and taught herself to speak the language by reading as many novels as possible.

Molly met her husband just as she was preparing to return home. She knew he was the one when he travelled to Uganda to ask for her hand in marriage. Now living in the United Kingdom, the couple has been married for twenty-five years. They have two grown sons, who occasionally pop in to make sure they haven’t been written into their mother’s latest manuscript.

While working as a receptionist, Molly is passionate about writing and fashion. She has published three novels: True Colours, Mistaken Identity, and A Woman’s Weakness.

Twitter- @GambizaMolly
Facebook- Molly Gambiza

How do you find time to write and do a demanding job? My job is a twelve-hour shift, very demanding but I always find time for my passion. I do my witting on public transport on my way to work, then during coffee and lunch breaks I write a paragraph or two. Then weekend is when I really sink into my writing.

What inspired your latest book? There is a lot to see on public transport, passengers from different walks of life but one woman caught my attention. She was sitting opposite me applying make-up on what looked like a black eye. I said to myself, lady, you can patch up your black eye but does it take away the pain you are feeling inside? What caused it? Who caused it? I thought she was an abused woman, I named her Eva. Paragraph by paragraph, I created A Woman’s Weakness.

What do you think readers will like about your book? A Woman’s Weakness is written by a woman for women. I have written what women fear to talk about; instead they suffer in silence. Silence is a killer. A lot of women have lost their lives because they choose silence, letting their partners turn them into a red carpet to make them feel like celebrities. A Woman’s Weakness encourages women to have a voice, courage and strength to stand on their two feet.

What is the highest compliment someone could make about your writing? Being recognised by successful writers.

A WOMAN'S WEAKNESS: At twenty-nine years old Eva’s biological clock is ticking fast. She must find a man of her dreams before she hits thirty. When she meets David, she is in such a hurry she doesn’t check beyond his piercing eyes and his smooth talk. She is a woman in love. By the time she realises her mistake, it’s too late to turn back the clock. With no one to turn to for help, Eva must learn to smile through pain and cry without shedding tears as she takes on the role of a second wife and a stepmother…


  1. Sounds interesting. Downloaded and added to my reading list.
