
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

“Five in Five” workshop gives writers instant feedback

Get instant feedback on your writing at a “Five in Five” workshop sponsored by the St. Louis Writers Guild from 10 a.m. to noon, Sept. 6, at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Rd. in Kirkwood.

Bring the first five pages of your work--fiction, nonfiction, or poetry—and sign up at the beginning of the free workshop to have it read aloud by another writer.

“Getting some distance from your work by having someone else read it often helps you pinpoint problem areas,” said Brad Cook, Guild president.

When the five-minute buzzer sounds, others attending the workshop will have five minutes to comment on what they like and offer suggestions on ways to improve the piece.

“This is similar to the slushpile read some writing conferences offer, but instead of having agents critique the work, it will be other writers,” Cook said. “We will discuss the importance of openings and hooks, as well as critique methods, so be ready to share what you’ve learned along the writing path.”

Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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