
Monday, March 24, 2014

Traditional vs. Self vs. Hybrid - Part Two

Traditional vs. Self vs. Hybrid – Part Two

The Write Pack Radio Rebroadcast

The question every writer faces in the modern world of publishing is if they should choose to try to be traditionally published, self-published or a hybrid. It is not an easy decision and can shape your career as a writer. This debate, which has raged and simmered for years, has been fanned into an inferno of dueling blogs around the question: Has the publishing world now been divided into a “caste system.” Follow along as the Write Pack feels their way through this maze.

This is part 2 of the discussion,
The Write Pack goes more into what do you really market, your book or yourself? They provide tips and insight based on their experiences! 

The following blog posts are for reference.

The blog that fanned the flames: The New Class System

My Amazon bestseller made me nothing:

Author Earnings Data Supports DBW Findings | Digital Book World:

The 50k Report – Author Earnings:

Book Sales: Running the Number:

Hugh Howey and the Indie Author Revolt: (Note you need a subscription to the magazine to see this---so if you don’t have one, check out your local library. Many subscribe to Publishers Weekly)

There are many talks on the internet about writing, but nothing like Write Pack Radio. Write Pack Radio brings Pop Culture, Writing, and Publishing together and throws them into a crucible of humor, clarity, and passion.

Every Sunday at 3pm CST, Write Pack Radio brings you a new topic and a lively discussion of issues facing every writer or anyone navigating the tumultuous waters of the publishing industry.

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Other Episodes you’ll find on The Write Pack Radio
Amusing the Muse
Traditional vs. Self vs. Hybrid – Part One
Brown Bagging Books: Are You Judged By What You Read

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