
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Discover “The Power of Email Marketing” at the Guild’s 12/7 workshop

Online marketing can be overwhelming, but writers can discover how to accomplish more in less time and on a small budget during the St. Louis Writers Guild’s workshop from 10 a.m. to noon, Dec. 7, at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Rd. in Kirkwood. Free to members, $5 for nonmembers

“The Power of Email Marketing” is the first of a two-part series presented by Barry Coziahr, president of RESPONSE! Targeted Marketing, a local marketing agency specializing in small business marketing. He is also the Constant Contact Local Expert for St. Louis. Coziahr will return to discuss “Social Media Made Simple” at the Guild’s Jan. 11 workshop.

Many authors find themselves seeking the right strategies, tools and tactics to make their marketing efforts as effective as possible. But with Facebook and Twitter, email and mobile, and whatever new social network is rolling out that month, there's a lot to keep up with. Having only so many hours in each day, the number of possibilities can feel overwhelming. These sessions will help make sense of the noise, with tips on how to make the most of the combination of email and social media.
You’ll learn what it means to run effective email and/or social media marketing campaigns and what tools you can use to measure the success of your efforts without spending lots of time or money. Participants will learn ideas for timing their messages, how to write a winning subject line, what kinds of offers or content they want to try and how best to approach their next marketing campaign. 
On Dec. 7, The Power of Email Marketing will focus on:
    What email marketing “is” and “is not”
    Why businesses are using email marketing today
    The “ do’s” and “don’ts” of email marketing
    Best email practices to help you create successful campaigns
    What to write about 
    How frequently and when to schedule emails
    How to get your emails opened

Find out more about the St. Louis Writers Guild at

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