
Saturday, July 27, 2013

SLWG offers workshop on Weapons in Writing

My fellow WL
David (l) & Brad (r)
bloggers -- David Alan Lucas and Brad R. Cook -- will share their knowledge of swords, knives, axes, and more weaponry for your writing at the St. Louis Writers Guild workshop from 10 a.m. to noon, Aug. 3, at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Road in Kirkwood. Free to Guild members, $5 for nonmembers.

Learn about a variety of fighting styles from the ancient Greeks and Romans, to the Renaissance and Medieval Europe, feudal Japan, all the way to modern-day gunfights. They’ll dispel the myths, and discuss blocking, setting, the mechanics of a scene and more. Have an issue with your fight scene? They’ll spend the last part of the workshop answering your questions.

David Alan Lucas is a writer, poet and martial artist. His fiction includes Speculative Fiction and Mystery. David is a Sandan (Third Degree Black Belt) in Tracy’s Kenpo under Tim Golby and David Hofer and brings his knowledge of martial arts, physical and psychological combat to his self-defense articles and his fiction writing. He has studied Olympic style fencing as part of the Highland-Ladue fencing club, and picked up other fighting styles from various instructors and practitioners over the years. He also enjoys teaching self-defense and includes self-defense tips in his "Writing the Fight Scene" blogs that can be found on his historic Coffee with David blog ( and continued on The Writers' Lens ( You can follow him on Twitter @owlkenpowriter His website is

Brad R. Cook, President of St. Louis Writers Guild, is a historical fantasy writer who daylights as a freelance technical writer. He began fencing at thirteen with the Parkway Fencing Club, and continued his studies under two former Olympic coaches. A fencing instructor who mastered various sword types before moving to other medieval weaponry, he has also staged sword fights for the theater. A founding contributor to The Writers’ Lens, a resource blog for writers; his poetry was published in St. Louis Reflections, and his short stories have placed in several contests. He began as a playwright and still pens a few scripts, but every once in awhile has to sit down with a centuries’ old book. Follow him on Twitter @bradrcook or his tumblr page Thoughts from Midnight

Thanks for reading and commenting on The Writers' Lens. This is T.W. Fendley. You can find out more about me at 

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