
Friday, May 24, 2013

St. Louis Writers Guild workshop June 1: Understanding local publishing options

Writers can learn about some local publishing options—from self-publishing to traditional publishing—at the June 1 “Print or Publish” workshop sponsored by the St. Louis Writers Guild. Representatives of Rocking Horse Publishing, High Hill Press and Treehouse Publishing Group will explain their services and answer questions from 10 a.m. to noon at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Road in Kirkwood. Free to Guild members, $5 for nonmembers.

Robin Tidwell
“We don't believe authors should pay someone to publish their books - we believe that WE should pay YOU,” said Robin Tidwell, who will represent Rocking Horse Publishing (RHP). As a trade publisher, RHP doesn’t charge for its editing, formatting, cover design, and publicity services. Founded in October 2012, RHP publishes both print and e-formats. Robin’s husband Dennis co-owns RHP and All On the Same Page bookstore at 11052 Olive Blvd., Creve Coeur, where they offer their authors instant shelf space. The team behind RHP has decades of experience in reading, writing, and editing. 

Margo Dill
Margo L. Dill, memoir and children's/YA novel editor, will represent High Hill Press (HHP). Established in 2008, HHP offers writers a niche between the huge New York publishing houses and the often high-priced “print on demands.” The small, royalty-paying St. Charles County press accepts submissions from picture books to mystery novels, from memoirs to short story collections.
--Margo owns a copyediting business, Editor 911, and is also a freelance writer, editor, speaker, and teacher. She is a contributing editor for WOW! Women On Writing, as well as the assistant editor for the Sunday Books page in The News-Gazette.

Treehouse Publishing Group (TPG), founded in February 2013, is a partnership of authors, editors, designers, and marketing professionals who offer professional business services — the same level of service a traditional publisher would provide — to authors seeking to prepare their manuscripts for submission to agents and editors and to entrepreneurial authors seeking to self-publish. Representing TPG will be Kristina Blank Makansi, Anne Milford and Jennifer Dunn Stewart.
Jennifer Dunn Stewart 
Kristina Makanzi
Anne Milford
 --Kristina has worked as an advertising copywriter, marketing coordinator, web and collateral designer, writer, fiction and non-fiction editor, and publisher. Kristina is also the co-founder, editor and publisher of Blank Slate Press.
--Anne is a freelance writer, developmental editor and author with more than 25 years experience writing, marketing and special event planning. She also works with authors—particularly non-fiction—to help them fine-tune their manuscripts, clarify their messages and publicize their books.
--Jennifer has taught creative writing at the university level and worked as a reading and writing instructor, tutor and editor. She also serves as a reader and editor for Blank Slate Press.

Three of the panelists are published authors and will have books for sale after the workshop: Robin (Reduced and Reused), Margo (Finding My Place: One Girl's Strength at Vicksburg), and Anne (How Not to Marry the Wrong Guy). Kristina and Jennifer are currently working on novels.

Find out more about the St. Louis Writers Guild and upcoming activities at

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