
Friday, May 17, 2013

Now on tumblr - Interviews from the 2013 Missouri Writers Guild Conference!

The Writers’ Lens is on tumblr!

Did you know that The Writers’ Lens is on tumblr?
Are you wondering what tumblr is, or thinking of a scotch glass?

tumblr is another blogging site, a mix between facebook and blogspot. It’s multimedia friendly and allows for easy cross-site promotion.

The Writers’ Lens has used it in the past to post podcasts and other media but now we’ll be expanding that to provide a multitude of new content and reposts from this blog.

No worries, you won’t be missing anything, it’s just a way for us to expand and provide content to help even more writers.

The Writers’ Lens on tumblr:
Bookmark it, or follow it from your own tumblr account!

View the interviews with C Hope Clark and Lela Davidson from the 2013 Missouri Writers Guild Conference right now on tumblr.

You can also find The Writers’ Lens on Facebook and @writerslens on Twitter!

Thank you for stopping by The Writers’ Lens!

Brad R. Cook is a historical fantasy author and President of St. Louis Writers Guild. Please visit or follow me on Twitter @bradrcook
Check out my tumblr page, Thoughts from Midnight –

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