
Friday, April 12, 2013

Gallenberger's book INNER VEGAS reveals heart-centered possibilities

Dr. Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with thirty years experience as a therapist. His interest in human potential led him to explore how we can manifest what we desire. He has investigated psychokinesis, which is the ability to influence matter through non-physical means. PK can be used to bend metal and plastic, sprout seeds in your hand,  influence dice and slot machines, and create healing and abundance -  all just using the power of your mind.

After achieving powerful PK results at a university laboratory, and enhancing his methods over five years of study, Dr. Gallenberger began to teach this skill to groups. He has used his discoveries to host over sixty Inner Vegas Adventures™ where participants journey deeply into personal power. His students achieve dramatic physical and psychological healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many marvelous manifestations in their lives at home.

Autographed print copies of Inner Vegas available at Gallenberger’s website,, through Amazon in print or on Kindle, and at Barnes and Noble.

Welcome to Dr. Joseph Gallenberger, whom I first met a couple of years ago as an instructor at The Monroe Institute. 

As a senior TMI facilitator, he developed the Institute’s highly successful MC² program, which teaches psychokinesis (PK), healing, and manifestation. Joe also developed SyncCreation®, a course in manifestation, which is the home-study version of the MC² program.

Dr. Gallenberger helps individuals and businesses become more creative and productive. A dynamic, heart-driven speaker, he is in demand internationally as a workshop presenter. His latest book INNER VEGAS: CREATING MIRACLES, ABUNDANCE AND HEALTH, takes us on a wild ride into world of psychokinesis where mind, energized by the heart, influences matter. INNER VEGAS will surprise you as it reveals what is possible when we apply intention and heart-centered energy to mold reality to our desires, and it will show you how to tame the dragons you may encounter along the way.

For more information visit Dr. Joseph Gallenberger’s website:

How do you find time to write and do a demanding job? I am bursting with creativity and always have multiple projects going on. I am on the road teaching about 20 weeks a year. When home, I set aside time for designing CDs, courses and writing books. 

What do you think readers will like about your book? That it is a true story of my journey and shows how much potential we have to create a beautiful reality for our selves and how we might accomplish this based in science and practical experience.

What's the highest compliment someone could make about your writing? That is was clear, interesting and changed their life for the better.

What is your favorite writing/editing/query-reading snack? Pretzels -munch on them while concentrating

What tune/music could be the theme song for your book? I guess the theme from the movie Rocky as it conveys excitement, victory, and heart

INNER VEGAS: CREATING MIRACLES, ABUNDANCE AND HEALTH-Quantum Physics, PK, and Miracles of Manifestation and healing…all in the casinos of Las Vegas! Dr. Joe Gallenberger takes us on a journey of consciousness into the wild world of psychokinesis (PK) where the mind energized by the heart influences matter, resulting in seeds growing in a few minutes, lights lighting without being plugged into electricity, metal bending with a thought, rolling what you are thinking on dice, and where miracle healings become possible.

INNER VEGAS is a guide to using psychic abilities to create miracles in your life. It is grounded in science, experience, and astounding stories of success. Dr. Joe’s surprising discoveries take place in university laboratories, the prestigious Monroe Institute and even casino’s. INNER VEGAS will surprise you as it reveals what is possible when we apply intention and heart-centered energy to mold reality to our desires, and will it show you how to tame the dragons that you may encounter along the way.  

This is T.W. Fendley. Thanks for reading and commenting on The Writers' Lens. You can find out more about me at

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