
Saturday, March 16, 2013

People + Books = Connecting

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Guest Post by Ansha Kotyk

I underestimated the impact my book, or any book, can have in the world. Maybe deep down I knew and that’s why I started writing and have always wanted to be a writer.

The other day I received a note on my Facebook page from a close family friend. She is a school bus driver in Pennsylvania. She bought a copy of my book GANGSTERLAND when it first came out in October. Reading her note was not only humbling but one of those moments when you realize an important principal of life, making a connection with another person.

I want to share this note with you. Here is what she said:

 I have to tell you that I lend my book out to kids on my bus. It is now on kid 13 , and there are 26 on the waiting list. It’s a big hit. I would make them buy it, but most of them are under privilege children. It gives us something to talk about as we drive. Thank you for helping me get closer to some of them.  ~Cyndi

After reading this, I instantly wanted to give these kids every book I have. Every child on that bus should have a book, any book, that they could share with each other. Sharing stories is what we humans have been doing since the beginning of being human. Sharing stories connects us to each other. This was my "Aha!" moment after reading her post to me.

Do you have gently used middle-grade or lower YA books that could use a good home? If you do, I know these kids would truly appreciate it.

Please feel free to pass this post around, re-blog, tweet it, share it on Facebook. It would be wonderful if we could get a book to every kid on Cyndi’s school bus.

If you have some gently used books that you would like to donate, please leave me a note in the comments below and I’ll reply with a mailing address.

Let’s give every kid on the bus a book!



  1. Thanks for having me back on the blog!! We're hoping to get enough books by next week to send the box out to the kids on the bus!
    THANK YOU for your support!!

  2. Thanks for what you're doing! I think you're right--sharing stories connects us with each other. I think it's great that you and Cyndi are connecting with these kids. I hope some of the wonderful MG/YA writers who've been our guests on The Writers' Lens will take this chance to share their stories with these youngsters.

  3. I have a couple of books which I can send. Glad to oblige. Send a mailing point to

  4. Thank you so much!!! I just sent you an email. The kids are going to be thrilled!
