
Monday, February 4, 2013

Tax Tips for Writers

Tax Tips for Writers
By Brad R. Cook from a Workshops for Writers presentation by Faye Adams

Taxes… no anything but taxes…
Too many receipts, ever changing rules, and complex math… *rips out hair*

But… with just a few simple steps I can save money and so can you… YEAH!

This weekend St. Louis Writers Guild held its February Workshop for Writers: Money Saving Tax Tips for Writers presented by Faye Adams.

Faye gave a wonderful workshop to a packed-room, and has given these tax workshops for writers for several years. I wanted to share some of her words of wisdom, because they are so valuable for any writer.

I assembled some of the tweets from the workshop. If you want to read all the tweets from the workshop check out the hash tag #slwg or check out @stlwritersguild on Twitter.

Faye Adams is the two-time Missouri Senior Poet Laureate, and a wonderful children’s author. She was a tax professional for a number of years. For more about Faye Adams please visit

I would also recommend attending the “Artist as Bookkeeper” workshop hosted by the Volunteer Lawyer and Accountants for the Arts (VLAA) on Monday, February 11, 2013. For more information about the workshop visit 

Many thanks to Faye Adams for such an informative workshop, and to St. Louis Writers Guild’s Workshops for Writers for providing excellent programming. Also a thank you to @Rockets2Writing for the tweets.

Brad R. Cook is a historical fantasy author and President of St. Louis Writers Guild. Please visit or follow me on Twitter @bradrcook
To learn more about St. Louis Writers Guild, visit Saint Louis Writers Guild on Facebook or on Twitter @stlwritersguild


  1. Apologies, but it seems that the embedded tweets are not showing up they way they should. I am working on correcting this. You can still visit Twitter and the hash tag #slwg to see the tweets. I hope to have it corrected soon.

  2. Thanks for posting this! I wanted to come to this workshop, but something came up. You're awesome, Brad. :)

  3. Same here -- hated to miss Faye's workshop, but appreciate the info!

  4. Great tax tips for writers. I will recommend this all friend co-writers, thank you sir Brad you're great! :D
