
Saturday, January 5, 2013

From a Crime Writer’s Library—The Forensic Examiner

Not long ago, a fictional television show shook up the writing of crime and mystery. This show was CSI. With the success of CSI, Mystery, Crime and even other genre writers who have a crime related event in their story suddenly needed to be better educated in the forensic sciences. These sciences are constantly exploding with advancements to the point of where a writer can feel like he or she is trying to run on a giant beach ball in the middle of a raging river.

While normally this section of the Writers’ Lens tends to be focused on books, I want to introduce you to a magazine: The Forensic Examiner. This magazine, is the official peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Forensic Examiners International. It contains real cases written by real examiners—and while filled with fantastic information, I also find it good fodder for story ideas.

This magazine can be obtained a few ways. I know you can subscribe to it electronically via Barnes and Noble Nook (I did look at for Kindle and I didn’t see it). You can also subscribe to it directly.

For more information about this great resource, please visit
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