
Monday, July 23, 2012

Giveaway: Denise Verrico's ANNALS OF THE IMMORTYLS

This week's giveaway is Denise Verrico's ANNALS OF THE IMMORTYLS, a trio of dark urban fantasy tales featuring characters from her Immortyl Revolution series.

  • Mia Disantini thought she'd found the man of her dreams, but is trapped in a nightmare from which she can’t wake up.
  • Kurt Eisen makes a monstrous bargain to survive a Nazi concentration camp and begins to understand what a monster truly is.
  • Cedric MacKinnon was once a celebrated vampire courtesan. Now he’s a deadly assassin, who has cheated death too many times.

HOW DO YOU WIN A FREE COPY OF ANNALS OF THE IMMORTYLS?  To enter the contest, simply leave a comment or question on the Writers' Lens between now (July 23) and midnight July 28, 2012. Please include your email so we can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater your chance of winning the contest. If you refer others to The Writer's Lens who mention your name in their comments, I'll enter your name again in our random number generator along with theirs, also increasing your chances at winning! Good luck and comment often!

About the author:  Ms. Verrico is an Urban Fantasy author and New Jersey native who grew up in Western Pennsylvania. She attended Point Park College and majored in Theatre Arts. For seven seasons, she was a member of the Oberon Theatre Ensemble in NYC. Denise has loved vampire stories since childhood and is a fan of the Dark Shadows television series. Her books are published by L&L Dreamspell Publishing and include:
Cara Mia (Book One of the Immortyl Revolution Series), Twilight of the Gods (Book Two of the Immortyl Revolution Series), and My Fearful Symmetry (Book Three of the Immortyl Revolution Series). She currently lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and her flock of seven spoiled parrots.

For excerpts of the Immortyl Revolution Series, character profiles and the Immortyl Lexicon visit

For insider information on the series visit



  1. Denise, how long did it take you to develop your writing style to the point you considered it enough for submission?

  2. I worked at it for fourteen years, but I'm a big chicken. I wish I'd known about crit groups earlier.

  3. I just love this cover Denise! It's amazing!!! Congrats!
