
Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Blog or Not To Blog is No Longer a Question

On May 5th, I will be giving a presentation to The St. Louis Writers Guild on Blogging. If you're in town  . . .

To Blog or Not To Blog is No Longer a Question

Kirkwood Community Center, 2nd floor
111 S. Geyer Rd.,
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Get map and directions
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012
Time: 10 AM until noon
SLWG members attend for FREE; $5 fee for non-members
Whether you are using WordPress, Blogger, or Tumblr every writer needs to be blogging, but it can be a strange and unfamiliar world. David Lucas, who writes for not one, but many blogs, will discuss why writers should blog, what a book blog tour is, how blogs can be a great way to market a novel, and how to draw traffic to your site. If you are a blogger, have thought about blogging, or have no idea what a blog is – this workshop will you navigate the blogosphere.

David Alan Lucas is a writer, poet, martial artist and a prolific blogger. He has blogged interviews of emerging musical bands for "Rolling Stone" type ezines, writing techniques, self-defense, and health care law. Some of his blogs about overcoming learning disabilities have been used by professors in universities both in the United States and Great Brittan.
His fiction includes Paranormal, Horror, Science Fiction, and Mystery/Crime Drama.

David is a Sandan (Third Degree Black Belt) in Tracy’s Kenpo under Tim Golby and David Hofer and brings his knowledge of martial arts, physical and psychological combat to his self-defense articles and his fiction writing.

David holds a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri—St. Louis and a Masters Degree in Business and Leadership from Webster University. He is also a certified paralegal.

When David is not writing he is reading, working with the community, traveling, camping, studying martial arts, or otherwise looking to get into some kind of adventure that will likely spawn other story and poetry ideas.

In David's "To Blog or Not to Blog, There is No Longer a Question," he will go into the does, don'ts and musts of blog writing. Many of these will be from personal experience.

David currently blogs actively on his own Coffee with David blog site ( as well as The Writers' Lens ( and he can be followed on Twitter @owlkenpowriter 

Thank you for reading and please visit and You can also follow me on twitter @Owlkenpowriter and the Writer’s Lens @TheWritersLens. Fiction is the world where the philosopher is the most free in our society to explore the human condition as he chooses.

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