
Saturday, May 5, 2012

The 2012 Missouri Writers Guild Conference Interviews - part 1

The 2012 Missouri Writers Guild Conference Interviews – part 1

By Brad R. Cook

The Writers’ Lens, St. Louis Writers Guild, and the Missouri Writers Guild partnered together to host a series of live webchats with some of the speakers at the 2012 MWG Conference. The interviews went great and I have to thank the people who watched live online. Though we had a few technical snafus, we were able to bring these interviews to everyone in multiple formats.

Two goals defined this project – to showcase such an amazing conference and provide a deeper experience for everyone who attended.

I wanted to collect all the interviews into a single post, but as you will see, this project ended up being bigger than any single post or file could contain. So, it will be in two parts, and all the recordings are offered for free.

photo by Sarah Whitney
Today, we present the next interview in the series – Paul Lesko, IP Attorney with the Simmons Firm.

Paul Lesko manages the Intellectual Property Group at The Simmons Firm a nationwide law firm based in Alton, Illinois. He has published articles in The Columbia Science & Technology Law Review, and blogs on IP topics for the online magazine Cardboard Connection. He has lso provided expert legal analysis in national leading publications including The New York Times, PC World, American Legal Magazine and Chicago Lawyers Magazine.

Paul talks about copyright and its implications for writers.

The three part podcast can be heard here –
The first part the video interview can be seen here –
Part two of the video interview can be seen here –

But that’s not all…

New today we are also providing video of the interviews with Rhonda Penders and Christie Craig!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief of The Wild Rose Press
View the video of her interview here –
The link to the raw webstream –
The link to the Podcast on The Writers’ Lens Tumblr page –

New York Times Bestselling Author Christie Craig
Christie talks about the Agent/Author relationship and more!
View the video of her interview here –
Listen to the two part podcast –

Saturday, April 21, 2012

photo by Sarah Whitney
Christina Katz, the keynote speakers at the Show-Me Awards Banquet!
Christina is the author of three books from Writer’s Digest: The Writer’s Workout, Get Known Before The Book Deal, and Writer Mama.

Christina Katz talks about Platform and more!

Listen to the two part podcast (best quality) –

Check out here pre-conference interview on the MWG Conference blog –

There are more interviews coming!

Next Wednesday, I’ll post Part Two of the interviews from the MWG Conference – and you won’t want to miss them.

Literary Agent Ann Behar
Literary Agent Ann Collette with her client Carol Carr

The interviews were conducted by Brad R. Cook, T.W. Fendley, and David Alan Lucas II.

They were made possible by a collaboration between St. Louis Writers Guild, the Missouri Writers Guild, and The Writers’ Lens.

Many thanks to Tricia Sanders, the 2012 Conference Chair, and Deborah Marshall, President of Missouri Writers Guild in 2011-2012.

Thank you as well to all the speakers who participated.

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