
Friday, April 13, 2012

Seewald's DEATH LEGACY latest mystery/thriller by award-winning author

I'm thrilled to welcome Jacqueline Seewald as my guest today. We met on our publisher L&L Dreamspell's Yahoo list and on Broad Universe. A multiple award-winning author, Jacquie has taught creative, expository and technical writing at the university level as well as high school English. She also worked as an academic librarian and an educational media specialist. Eleven of her books of fiction have been published. Her short stories, poems, essays, reviews and articles have appeared in hundreds of diverse publications. She enjoys spending time with family and friends when she isn’t writing. 

The Writers’ Lens is about "Bringing fiction into focus"–what brings your writing into focus, the characters, the stories, the love of words? What brings my writing into focus tends to vary. Sometimes it begins with a spark from something I’ve read like an interesting article in a newspaper or magazine. I’ll start to imagine a plot and characters that relate. With Death Legacy two things sparked the novel. First, I was intrigued by an article I read in a magazine about a provocative case of international espionage and murder that remained unsolved. That gave me the initial idea. The characters are imaginary, but share some characteristics with real people.  I don’t like formula fiction so I really try to make my main characters complex, realistic people with both faults and good qualities.

How do you find time to write? I cheated. I took an early retirement. My job was very demanding and although I wrote consistently, I really wanted a chance to write fulltime. I miss the paycheck, but other than that, I really have no regrets. I’m an early riser and like to work before the normal workday begins. I start at five a.m., take a short breakfast break around 8, and then continue to 10 or 11 a.m. I work again in the afternoon or evening as time permits. But I’m on the computer just about every day. I believe writers need to discipline themselves as if they were at a normal job. It’s the only way to accomplish anything worthwhile.

What do you think readers will like about your book? I gave ARCs out to a number of typical readers, not close friends or relatives, because I wanted feedback. Responses I got:
* This book is exciting, once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down.
*I really enjoyed the romance between the two main characters, the relationship was hot and there was also humor.
* It was a good mystery thriller; I didn’t guess the ending.

What's your favorite writing accessory or reference? I love dictionaries and encyclopedias. I actually read them for pleasure. I still like print editions best. 

What's your favorite way to interact with fans/readers? I enjoy blogging, reading the comments that are left for me, and responding to them. I comment on Facebook and enjoy interacting there as well. I also comment on Goodreads.

DEATH LEGACY, a fast-paced romantic suspense mystery/thriller, features Michelle Hallam who heads a unique consulting firm she inherited from her deceased uncle, a former intelligence agent. Called to the French Riviera for business under mysterious circumstances, Michelle meets Dr. Daniel Reiner, a handsome young psychiatrist. They have a strong physical attraction but Michelle remains wary of being involved with him. Daniel’s friendly, warm personality and urban wit stands in contrast to Michelle’s outward facade of cool cynicism. In New York, Michelle reconnects with Dr. Reiner when she sends him a referral, her client, Nora Parker, who has asked Michelle to look into the suspicious disappearance and possible death of her husband. The complex case involves both Michelle and Daniel in espionage, international intrigue, and murder, placing their lives in jeopardy. The novel combines elements of suspense, mystery, and romance.

Available from:
*Since Five Star/Gale is mainly a publisher that sells hardcover novels to libraries, you can request this novel at your local library.

Jacqueline Seewald also writes for L&L Dreamspell. Check out more of her books at:


  1. great interview!

    Good luck & God's blessings!

  2. Congratulations on "Death Legacy." I look forward to reading this new release from a great storyteller.

    1. I'm blushing here! Thank you for the wonderful compliment, Betty.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful interview! To be a lover of words and story is a great things. All the best.

    1. Thank you, Tina. I believe each of us wants to share a wonderful story with readers and fellow writers.

  4. Jacqueline,

    I enjoyed reading the interview and was pleased that we learned a little more about you as well as some information about your writing career. I agree with what you said about not liking ‘formula fiction.’ My characters are very complex and the situations they find themselves in are equally so. I occasionally receive emails from readers who are irate that there isn’t enough blood and guts in my suspense stories, and they find them ‘all over the place.’ If I didn’t want something new and different and complex in the books I read, I would read the same book over and over again. Death Legacy looks like an exciting read. The best of luck with your writing and promotion!

    1. Thank you, Joe. I do think it's good for writers to take chances with their work and try being original, even if everyone doesn't "get it." It's important to truly express ourselves. Hopefully, we do connect with a lot of readers.

  5. This is an exciting book! I've read Death Legacy and I couldn't stop turning the pages.

    Jacquie, I admire your work ethic. And I also admire you for having the courage to quit the day job and focus on this full-time. WTG! Maggie

    1. Thanks, Maggie. I'm so glad you enjoyed Death Legacy. I do appreciate your help and support.

  6. Jacquie, very nice interview:)...I really liked the plot of Death Legacy, and also the cover. The limo actually looks like it's speeding down the highway, because of the use of reflection on the side of the car. Great drawing card!


    1. I love the cover art too! Thanks Loretta.

    2. LOvely interview, Jacqui, and I so agree about self-discipline. I can't seem to rise at 5:30 to write, though! Whoa!! My schedule is 8-noon, with a few coffee and snack breaks in between to fuel my muse.Your Death Legacy looks great!

  7. Oh, I love the cover of Death Legacy. I'm going to get my copy ASAP. Is this one a library book?

    1. Hi, D'Ann,

      Yes, the libraries do order these in hardcover. You just have to make a request. There's a very good Booklist Online review, so I think librarians will approve. Thanks!

  8. Good advice and good blog, Jacqueline (I'm a Jackie too :-) and I couldn't agree more about discipline and working just like you're earning a pay check - you just might get one too LOL I write every day too, in fact I've just cut out some email in favor of finishing a chapter I'm working on in my Work in Progress - good and helpful blog.

    Jackie Griffey, author of the Maryvale series

    Jackie Griffey (the one in Arkansas, I see there is another Jackie Griffey on Facebook! Thinking of changing to my whole name, what do you think?

    1. Hi, fellow Jackie,

      Good luck with your new novel! I don't think many of my books have been ordered in Arkansas libraries, but you can ask! I will look to read your novels as well.

  9. Very interesting interview. Death Legacy sounds like an exciting book. And I agree that encyclopedia are fun to read for pleasure--but unfortunately hard to put down.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, B.K. We agree about encyclopedias. I still prefer them in print, but the world continues to change.

  10. Death Legacy sounds like a wonderful read. I wish I could write early in the morning. I find I do my writing in the afternoon. And I'm really getting into it when my husband reminds me it's time to start dinner.

    1. We all have different internal clocks. I know a few writers who prefer to do their writing late at night. Different strokes and all that!

  11. Death Legacy sounds wonderful. Enjoyed the interview. You sound very disciplined. I simply cannot get up that early, but I do find writing when I first get up is the best time for me.

  12. Ooooo - this novel sounds very intriguing. My other job too interferes with writing every day. It does take discipline, that's for certain. Looking forward to the read!

  13. Hi, D.A.,

    Day jobs are very demanding. But even weekend writing adds up.

  14. Great interview, Jacqueline! And the story sounds wonderful! Love that cover. Adding to my TBR list now. Wishing you many happy sales!

  15. Hi, L.J.,

    Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.

  16. Jacqueline, I'd love to see Death Legacy in our library. I'm going to encourage them to buy it.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one up and writing at 5 a.m.

    1. Thanks, Anita! I'm afraid I don't manage to sleep as much as I'd like. I do enjoy being on the computer and the net. I appreciate patrons requesting my novels. If readers don't ask for the books, librarians won't order them.

  17. Wait--hold the phone--DEATH LEGACY is out?? (How did I miss that?) The cover is fantastic--should attract male as well as female readers. Can't wait for it! Good for you on the early retirement...

    1. Hi, Jenny,

      Thanks for dropping by. I know that you're blog keeps you very busy. You perform a great service to so many writers!

  18. I liked the idea of reading dictionaries and encyclopedias for pleasure. I do sometimes myself although these are usually specialized ones, e.g. a dictionary of forensics, and often I hope to get ideas from new stories from them.

    1. Hi, James,

      My favorite is the Oxford Dictionary of Etymology. I love knowing where words originated from and when.

  19. Jacquie -- thanks so much for being our guest! I tried to post earlier but couldn't access my account over the weekend (at my Mom's house). I'm so glad to see the discussion in the comments about getting placement in libraries. Our county library is now carrying my book after I requested it. Do some libraries always carry your books or do you always rely on patrons to request a copy?
