
Monday, March 12, 2012

Giveaway: Clegg's NEXUS POINT ebook

Today's ebook giveaway of the sci-fi novel, NEXUS POINT, is from Jaleta Clegg, whose interview -- "Writing is Like Burping..." -- ran Feb. 17 on The Writers' Lens. She has short stories in various anthologies and magazines in genres ranging from science fiction to fantasy to silly horror. Links are available at

NEXUS POINT: Dace's wants are simple - a trading ship and the freedom to fly where she chooses. But on her first trip, her crew betrays her, her ship explodes, and she finds herself stranded on Dadilan, a planet locked in a feudal age. 

Survival is hard enough when you have no technology or resources. It's even harder when you have drug smugglers hunting you. Dadilan is the source of shara, a drug that enhances psychic abilities, a commodity so rare and precious people will kill for it.
Trapped between rival smugglers and the Patrol undercover investigation, Dace has one hope of rescue: convincing Tayvis, the undercover agent, she's an innocent bystander. But those don't exist on Dadilan. No one lands without authorization, unless they are smuggling.
Her ignorance may cost her life.

NEXUS POINT, the first book in The Fall of the Altairan Empire, is available at

How do you win this free ebook?  To enter the contest, simply leave a comment or question on The Writers' Lens between now (March 12) and midnight, March 17, 2012. Please include your email address so I can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater your chance of winning the contest. If you refer others to The Writers' Lens who mention your name in their comments, we will enter your name again in our random number generator along with theirs, also increasing your chances at winning! The winner will be chosen after 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, March 17, and the announcement made on Sunday, March 18.  If you are the winner and haven't provided us your email address, please contact within one month to claim your ebook. Good luck and comment often!

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