
Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Chance To Get A Copy Of Reflections!

St. Louis Reflections Giveaway!
By Brad Cook, President of St. Louis Writers Guild

Happy Lunar New Year! To celebrate the waking Dragon, The Writers’ Lens is having another GIVEAWAY!

To honor the release of St. Louis Reflections and because I am so proud of the anthology we here at The Writers’ Lens will be giving away another copy of St. Louis Reflections! So if you missed out on the last one, here's a second chance!

St. Louis Reflections
An Anthology by St. Louis Writers Guild to Honor its 90th Anniversary

Order it today!
Also available on,, and all major online retailers

Founded in 1920, St. Louis Writers Guild continues to thrive! St. Louis is known to many as home of the Cardinals, the Blues, the Rams and the Arch, and as the birthplace of Ragtime, ice cream cones and provel cheese. It has always been a literary hotbed. To show our love for everything this city on the mighty Mississippi has given us over the last ninety years, we decided to share our reflections of our wonderful, close-knit community. We honor the culmination of the Guild's 90th Anniversary Year of Festivals with this anthology written by some of today's greatest writers. Inside you’ll find 45 poems, stories, essays, and memories. Enjoy!

St. Louis Reflections contains a list of every member in 2010.

This anthology contains 45 poems, stories, essays, and memories as well as a quick history of one of the oldest and largest literary organizations in the country.

The Writers’ Lens very own David Lucas took the back cover image, and I have two pieces in there, too. It contains some great St. Louis authors like, Senior Poet Laureate of Missouri Faye Adams, Mystery Novelist Claire Applewhite, Former SLWG President Dr. Rebecca Wood, and
Missouri Writers Guild President Deborah Marshall. As well as authors like Mary Menke, Linda O’Connell, Patricia Bubash, and Peter Green and amazing poets like Dwight Bitikofer, Niki Nymark, and Marcel Toussaint.

One note about the giveaway: Due to shipping limitations, you have to live within the continental United States to win. Apologies to the international readers, we also have giveaways that are fully online so anyone can win.

To enter the contest, simply leave a comment or question on The Writers Lens Blog. Please include your email so we can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater YOUR chance of winning the contest.

If you don’t win and still want the anthology you can order it from

Be certain to check back on Wednesday, January 25th, as I will be posting an article about the anthology featuring many of the contributors.

Want to learn more about St. Louis Writers Guild, you can find us at – on Facebook – or on Twitter @stlwritersguild

To learn more about Brad R. Cook please visit - @bradrcook – or my personal blog

1 comment:

  1. This is really awesome of you guys to do! I'd love to read what some of my fave writer's and friend have said about my favorite city!!
