
Monday, October 24, 2011

Win a copy of Hapenny Magick!

It's Monday again, and here is a wonderful way to celebrate the start of a new week, a giveaway!
Today we have the privilege of sharing an electronic copy of Jennifer Carson's fantasy middle grade novel, 

 As the tiniest Hapenny, a race of little people, Maewyn Bridgepost spends her days from breakfast to midnight nibble scrubbing the hearth, slopping the pigs, and cooking for her guardian, Gelbane, who never spares a kind word. As if life as a servant isn’t bad enough, Mae learns that Gelbane is a troll—and Hapennies are a troll delicacy.
Years ago, a spell trapped Gelbane in Mae’s village. Ever since, Gelbane has been chiseling away the magic spells that guard the village and now Mae’s community is destined to become a smorgasbord for half-starved trolls.

Jennifer is using Kickstarter to fund her first print run of this heartfelt story. Check out the video and all the wonderful illustrations she has planned!

To enter the contest, simply leave a comment or question on The Writers' Lens blog between October 24th, and midnight October 29th, 2011. Please include your email so we can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater your chance of winning the contest. The winner will be chosen after midnight on Saturday and the announcement made on Sunday, October 30th.
Thanks for entering, and Good Luck!


  1. AH-hah! ... I knew that troll under the bridge was up to no good!

  2. This sounds like such a delightful read! I can barely wait to see the rest of the illustrations. The cover art is amazing.

  3. Her illustrator is amazing. You can see additional art by viewing Jen's Kickstarter page. I can't wait for the paperback (and I'm an ereader gal)! :)

  4. Wow! What a gem of a book, judging by the illustrations alone. I've heard of Kickstarter but don't really know how it works for writers. Very interesting.
