
Monday, October 17, 2011

Win a Book of Poetry!

It's Monday! Time for another Writers' Lens contest!
Now that you know a little about me from Cornelia's great interview, allow me to pass a book on to you.  I have a signed copy of Matthew Freeman's poetry collection, Darkness Never Far - and all you have to do to win it is leave a comment!
Matthew is an amazing, award-winning St. Louis poet. His next collection is due soon, but until then, let me tempt you with his last collection. Matthew Freeman has been a poet since he was a teenager in Dogtown, St. Louis. Since then he has fallen in love, travelled the country, and sung his songs. He now lives and writes in The Loop, in St. Louis. Darkness Never Far is his third collection of poems exploring the impact of mental illness on language and mythos. (bio borrowed from
A special note: Matthew recently assisted the Missouri Warrior Writer Project. The Missouri Writers Guild in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council, is helping soldiers and their families write about their wartime experience using Poetry, Prose, and Personal Essays. The project has been a resounding success and Matthew gave his time to perform poetry workshops.
One note about the contest: Due to shipping limitations, you have to live within the continental United States to win. Apologies to the international readers. We also have giveaways that are fully online so anyone can win.
To enter the contest, simply leave a comment or question on The Writers' Lens Blog between October 17th, and midnight October 22nd, 2011. Please include your email so we can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater YOUR chance of winning the contest. The winner will be chosen after midnight on Saturday and the announcement made on Sunday, October 23rd.
Thanks for entering, and be sure to check out the rest of the posts, including last week's Twitter Hash Tag post by Cornelia Amiri.

Good luck with the contest!
Learn more about me at


  1. A signed copy of Matthew Freeman's poetry collection, Darkness Never Far, what a great prize.

  2. It's so nice to see St. Louis writers in the spotlight. I look forward to reading Matthew Freeman's poetry - regardless whether or not I win a free copy of the collection.

    On a side note, I think it would be great if some of the writers who have taken part in the Missouri Warrior Writer Project would blog about the experience. I imagine that working with the soldiers to tell their wartime stories would be quite an emotional and rewarding experience.


  3. I'm posting for Faye Adams who was unable to get her comment to enter in Blogger. If others have that issue, please contact

    And thanks to Faye for helping get the word out about this giveaway!
