
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Contest: An Airship and Zen in the Art of Writing

It’s Monday, you know what that means. Time for the Writer’s Lens weekly contest. Yay!

You can win a prize any writer or reader would love, The Golden Compass Lee Scoresby’s Airship collector’s toy model in die cast metal. Yes, your very own airship. A very small one. And a paperback edition of Ray Bradbury’s Zen In The Art of Writing. Two prizes, both go to one lucky winner.

The 2007 film The Golden Compass is an adaptation of the children's book of the same name by Phillip Pullman, the first book in His Dark Materials trilogy, which also includes The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. Actually, in the UK the book is called Northern Lights rather than The Golden Compass. This model airship makes a great Steampunk collectable to display on your bookshelf or your desk.

I have loved Ray Bradbury's books and short stories since I was thirteen and he his has been a great inspiration to my writing. Zen in the Art of Writing is a collection of essays by Ray Bradbury of how he developed his unique writing voice and style. It describes the development of an author's voice in a way that I've never seen a book do before. I believe in authors writing from the heart and developing their voices and own styles regardless of what's hot on the market at the time. Writers, aspiring writers, and also any readers who would like to understand a bit more of where Ray Bradbury's wonderful stories come from will love this book.

To enter the contest simply leave a comment or question on The Writers Lens Blog between October 10th, and midnight October 15th, 2011. Please include your email so we can reach you if you win. The more comments you leave, the greater YOUR chance of winning the contest. The winner will be chosen after midnight on Saturday and the announcement made on Sunday, October 17th. If Blogger isn’t working, you can email me personally with your comment and I’ll add it to the Blog.


  1. Steampunk! One genre I'd like to write one day. I've read some and really enjoy. I have started a plot for one, but haven't delved head first into it yet. Fear? Maybe because not sure if I can make it plausible. Gidgets and Gadgets aren't my thing. LOL

  2. Really cool contest this week. Great start to your new blog. Love it.

    A.M. Burns

  3. Thank you for your comment Cynthia. Read a lot of Steampunk, it's like all genres there are many different types. There's steampunk geared toward science Steampunk geared toward fantasy Steampunk geared twoard paranormal and steampunk geared twoard mystery. Stay true to your voice and you will find a way to write it in your own voice not all steampunk books have a concentration on gadgets. Read lots of different steampunk books from lots of different authors and that will help you find your own voice in the genre.

  4. Thank you A. M. for your comment. I really appreciate it.

  5. I love Ray Bradbury. What a genius. I also love Josh Whedon and his Firefly series--Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer not withstanding.
    Steampunk is really catching on as a new genre in romance books.
    I loved The Golden Compass. I wonder if they're going to do the rest of the stories in that series.
    Great blog today.

  6. Hello all ... I just arrived here via a comment Cornelia left on EP's author group.
    How wonderful that this blog officially debuted on my Birth Day!!! Must be a sign! :)

    Watching the "Golden Compass' movie inspired me to read the books. Usually it's the other way around with me grudgingly watching the movie, because as we all know, the visual adaptations seldom hold their own against the book versions. To my surprise and delight, I enjoyed both versions, although the fact that there will be no second movie really irked. Sorry Sarah ... it was a money issue I believe, that crushed the project.
    And Mr Bradbury ... he and Mr Clarke, Mr Heinlein, and one or two others sparked my interesting SF/Fantasy way back ... oh my, a long time ago!!!

    I hope this blog continues to grow ... 'cos it's impressive already.



  7. As a history major, I am always looking for great ways to include fiction in my papers. Last semester, I read Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles" for my 1950s class. Using his work, I intertwined the theme into my paper of nuclear fear of that decade. Love his work! Great Contest!

  8. Hi Sarah, thanks so much for your comment. I'm a browncoat myself. Love Firefly.

  9. Widder think you so much for your kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed the blog and think you so much for following my link on EP's authors' group.

  10. Legends thank you so much for your comment. I love The Martin Chronicles. Extraordinary. It's so cool that you intertwined the theme into your paper of nuclear fear in the fifties.
